Ingredients: Spaghetti, tomatoes, garlic, onion, salt, pepper and parmiggiano reggiano
Category Italy
Mezze penne with courgette
What you need: 200 gr of mezze penne, 1 courgette , pinch of salt and pepper , 20 gr marjoram, 20 gr basil, half onion, 1 glove of garlic , n. 3 tbsp of olive How to make it : Start by cutting the courgettes in small pieces, cut the onion and the garlic …. Read More
Pasta : Mezze penne
Fiercely Italian inside and outside , being abroad since years i never liked how people name and rename all types of pasta . I like original name as this one mezze penne , There are things in the world that cannot be translated : pasta is one of those .