Category Appetizers

Pumpkin soup

Ingredients : 2lb/1 kg pumpkin (any), chopped into large chunks (remove skin and seeds) , 2 medium onions, sliced 2 cloves of garlic,  3 cups / 750ml chicken or vegetable stock, 1 cup / 250ml milk ,  Salt and pepper How to make it :  Combine all ingredients (except salt and pepper) in a saucepan and… Read More

Artichokes salad

What you need: 4 artichokes,  pinch of salt and pepper ,  20 gr marjoram, 20 gr basil, half lemon , n. 2 tbsp of olive How to make it : Clean and remove all external leaves, remove all the internal beard, put the artichokes in a bawl with water and lemon. Boil them in water… Read More