I am greeting this year , where everything possibly imaginable had occurred . From a brilliant start with light , energy , gorgeous encounters , unexpected emotions , movements ..it suddenly shifted to stagnant mode, lockdown , loneliness, no work , depression and unsleeping weeks , infinite hours, days and months without seeing the end. A world , that in just few days, turned completely up side down , revealing the worst and the best of this humanity , giving ground to the most horrific events or either tremendously emotional acts . A year, where rules have fallen apart , a year, where tomorrow millions of people around the world , did no longer what to do about their lives , did not have a clue, on what they could meet end of the month and basic needs as feeding their own kids, become priority . I am one just one of those lost souls, that initiated an unwilling path and make her way trough a jungle of feelings , just letting flow and make day by day . No rules , just keeping afloat . Resilience was a key factor , loneliness the hardest aspect to face . I made my way home in the middle of this mess , I have drawn path of my multiple journeys. Over 8000 km covered around Europe with my little car . This is year I have really taken any possible way to commute , including helicopter :))))…..Crossing 2 continents … and a total of 11 countries ..in a full pandemic … My maps , my heart ..my memories