It is always a privilege being in nature for me . It is a unique occasion to restore energies, mood… mind …breath deeply …… get lost in the beauty of colours, animals sounds, smelling plants , the light from sky … just let yourself flow in the rhythm of nature… I use to establish a minimal route , inform who I have to just because is very wild here but at the end , going by bike i like the fact we run slow , we follow the flow , we like to deviate and let us guide by the the mood of the moment . And it is always plays same as less you plan as more beauty you can meet along your path . Biking is one of my favourite ways to explore the world , it allows you to be in direct touch with nature , it allows to establish when you want to stop when you want to push harder . Just sintonize yourself about how far you want to go
Today the path was pretty short , we talk about 30, 35 km in the mountains , absolutely affordable , good weather , breeze all along the way . No one on the way …. It is a new route to me in the Alcornocales Park , an amazing natural park , the biggest in Europe , a wonderful wild reservoir which offer a plenty of routes for who like hiking or biking