I am back …slowly slowly

I have been away for long time,  my life in September deeply turned up side down.  Got fired , had to leave, left without money .  All my projects  have been frozen . Really did not know what to do , where to go

Been completely blown away and lost , I have had the strength to keep on going in my things but morally I was completely down. I faced one the most tough periods of my life ever, cause i lost that sense of self-confidence which made me trough of all paths along those years. I felt as  I would have lost my polar star and I could not see the direction to take , I could not accept the consequences of events , and mainly as always I had to answer the MAIN question I always have for my  life : why  me ? why now ?

With feet on earth  beside my shit , I am actually a good actress when it is time to be , I managed to finish my web i kept my dreams about photography ,  I dared new grounds and here me back , with small things

And devote myself that small beginnings bring toward big adventures


With love


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